As we have already mentioned on previous occasions, coconut water is an element that is full of nutrients and that provide a great variety of benefits for our health. Do you want to know them? Keep reading:
- Avoid dehydration: due to its high content of electrolytes causes a natural hydration, it is also ecological, making it a good alternative to bottled water. It contains fundamental minerals for our organism such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium.
- Energy for the muscles and the brain: Coco GOYA water contains more amount of potassium than a banana, with this, we can regulate the heartbeat and muscle function. In addition, electrolytes facilitate the functioning of the nervous system, nerve transmission, in addition to improving cognitive functioning.
- Anti-aging properties: Coconut water contains a group of vegetable lasts called cytokinins, which influence the growth and aging of not only the cells of plants, but also that of humans.
- Better digestion: In addition to all the properties mentioned above, GOYA coconut water is a digestive tonic. It helps in the absorption of food and improves digestion through its bioactive enzymes.
- It is rich in natural vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants and phytonutrients: Coconut water GOYA contains minerals and trace elements such as zinc, selenium, iodine and sulfur, in addition to a large amount of B vitamins, which causes an effect antioxidant
- It is low in calories: it is one of the lowest calorie drinks, in fact coconut water contains one fifth of the sugar of other fruit juices, but without losing its flavor.
- Stimulates the immune system: coconut water helps fight infections and supports immune function. It contains auric acid, is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.
- Benefits for the heart: it contains high levels of potassium that helps to avoid attacks and cardiac arrests and helps in blood pressure.
- Improves blood circulation: coconut water has already been used as a cardiac tonic since it strengthens the heart, reduces cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of blood clots.
- Alkalizes the body: Helps prevent diseases as the pH of body fluids decreases and helps with acidity.
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