

Last Saturday the Climbing Center Climatic La Foixarda, in Barcelona, ??was the enclave to celebrate a new edition of the Spanish Climbing Championship for Youth Difficulty and once again these young athletes could count on the help of a key factor for reach their peaks: GOYA Coconut Water.

Spanish Federation of Mountain Sports and Climbing (FEDME) has co-organized the competition with Climbat and Entre – Prises – two of the most recognized climbing brands in the world.

The championship, has had 109 participants, which have been divided into a first qualifying phase that lasted until approximately 14h, and final matches that were developed from 18: 30h.

The trio of equipadores responsible for mounting the tracks have been, Fèlix Obradó, who has extensive experience as an equipador, David Gambús, athlete recognized for his career in high difficulty, and Sergio Verdasco, young promise that stands out for its podiums in different Spanish Championships, besides winning the television show ‘Ninja Warrior Spain’.

Of the designed routes, it is possible to emphasize, the one of the masculine end SUB18 and SUB20. An ascending journey of volumes where the participants had to sharpen their ingenuity to be able to solve the problems proposed in each step, and at the same time play with their balance and coordination. It has undoubtedly been the route that has given the most spectacle, and in which the public has enjoyed the most.


High level of participants in all categories

During this Championship, we were able to enjoy a level in the SUB16 female category, very even or even superior to the finalists of the SUB18 and SUB20 categories. These have managed to go further on the road than the other older competitors and category.


Presence of GOYA EUROPA

The leading brand in Latin gastronomy, is once again present in an edition more supporting the young climbers, who recover, replace and hydrate with the sponsor drink of this and other sporting events: Coconut WaterThe adventurers could enjoy the whole range Coconut Water GOYA and its new version Organic Coconut Water. So good, GOYA promotes and stimulates health, good nutrition and sport from very small. Because the GOYA Family takes care of your health and that of everyone. If it’s GOYA … it has to be good!


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