Nueva Habana

Cuban recipes





This recipe comes from New Havana, hence its name. A Gourmet recipe suitable for all palates. A haute cuisine recipe, made with the healthiest ingredients.


Ingredients Preparation Share



Tierra de Arroz Salvaje

  • 50 gr of wild rice
  • 200 ml of sunflower oil
  • 3 gr of salt


  • 500 gr of Black beans
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 100 gr of onion
  • 400 gr of green pepper
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1.5 gr of oregan
  • 1.5 gr of Ground cumin
  • 0.5 gr of black pepper
  • 150 ml of Único Olive Oil
  • 80 ml of white wine
  • 40 ml of white wine vinegar
  • 10 gr of sugar

Hummus de Frijoles

  • 200 gr of Black beans
  • 100 gr of tahini (sesame paste)
  • 1 gr of salt
  • 20 gr of lemon juice
  • 0.5 gr of Ground cumin
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 0.5 gr of oregan

Copos de Boniato

  • 100 gr of sweet potato
  • 200 ml of sunflower oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 half of lime juice

Caldo de Jamón

  • 100 gr of ham
  • 1.5 l of water
  • 1 pig's 226

Carbón de Yuca

Lengua de Cerdo

  • 3 pork tongue
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 big carrot
  • 0.5 white onion
  • 0.5 whole leek
  • 30 ml of Nativo Chinese Soy Sauce
  • 30 ml of fermented soy sauce
  • 10 ml of resource

Esfera de Tamal

  • 250 ml of whole milk
  • 50 ml of cream
  • 5 gr of salt
  • 700 gr of cooked sweet corn
  • 1.6 gr of black pepper
  • 5 gr of gluco
  • 0.5 gr of xanthana
  • 1.5 l of water
  • 1 l of algin

Caviar de Vinagre

  • 200 ml of sunflower oil cold
  • 500 ml of red wine
  • 75 ml of balsamic vinegar
  • 50 gr de azúcar
  • 25 gr of sherry
  • 3 gr of agar

Otros Ingredientes

  • 50 gr of avocado
  • 1 pinch of flowers (cumin, alderberry,...)
  • 1 pinch of purple sisho cress


Wild rice:

  1. Heat the sunflower oil to 200ºC and fry the wild rice grains until they are already golden brown. Remove with the help of a strainer and rain the excess fat on an absorbent paper. Crush with a mixer and set aside.

Black beans:

  1. In a express pot, cook the beans, bay leaf and salt, all covered in water. Cook for 30 minutes from when the pot starts to whistle. Make a sauce with the onion and green pepper mixed with half the oil. Add garlic and spices. Stir-fry. Dip with the white wine and add the beans. Add the rest of the ingredients and continue cooking until the broth of beans thickens. Salt grinding. Mix and reserve the hot sauce on one hand and the beans on the other to make the hummus.

Beans hummus:

  1. In a mortar, crush the garlic clove with the lemon juice. In the thermomix, introduce the rest of the ingredients and turbinate, at the end add the lemon and garlic juice. Mix them together with the maximum power until you get a homogeneous mixture. Reserve. 

Sweet potato flakes:

  1. Peel the sweet potato and, with the help of a slicer, cut it into very thin slices. Heat the oil to 200ºC and fry the sweet potato slices until they crisp. Drain excess oil on absorbent paper and salt. Cut into very small pieces with the help of a knife and set aside. 
  2. Pickled red onion with lime
  3. Peel the onion, removing the first layers. Put the onion in aluminum foil with a splash of oil and salt. Wrap them well and roast them in the oven at 160ºC for 9 minutes. Cut into small segments and, in a frying pan, sauté for a few seconds with a few drops of oil. Add the lime juice and remove them from the heat. Reserve.

Ham broth:

  1. Dice the ham, trying to discard as much fat as possible. Put all the ingredients in an express pot and cook for 30 minutes. 

Cassava charcoal:

  1. Cut the cassava into unequal pieces of any desired size, and cook the rest of the ingredients together for 33 minutes over medium heat. Cool the cassava in the liquid. Reserve.

Pig´s tongue:

  1. Blanch the tongues in boiling water for 5 minutes. Peel, scraping them off with the blunt part of a lace. Put in an express pot, covered with water next to the vegetables and cook for 40 minutes. Remove the tongues from the pot and cool. Strain the broth and weight 200 grams. 

Tamal sphere:

  1. Mix the water well with the alginate, strain and let stand a minimum of 30 minutes in a tall and not very wide container. Crush the ingredients of the tamale soup and strain through a superbag. Weigh 250 grams of soup and add the gluco first and the xanthan after, mix them very well. Reserve for at least 3 hours in the cold. The spheres are made by adding a bit of tamal soup to the alginate bath and turning them for 1 minute on each side. Reserve in cold water or in broth until the spheres are heated.

Vinegar caviar:

  1. Halve the wine, vinegar, sugar and sherry in a saucepan. Weigh 200 grams of the liquid and add 3 grams of agar. Raise the heat and strain. Introduce the mixture in a syringe and place drops of vinegar in the cold oil to form the eggs. Collect the caviar with the help of a strainer and set aside. 

Finished and plated:

  1. Cut 3x3 cubes of pork tongue and mark them on the plate on all six sides, and introduce them into the textured sauce. Introduce the corn tamale spheres in very hot water for 2 minutes. Heat the cassava charcoal in the oven. In the middle of the plate make a circle of hummus and cover it with the rice soil. Place the sweet potato flakes on it. Place the tamal sphere, the cassava charcoal, the pork tongue, the pickled chives and the purple sisho leaves on these lands. In the center place the diced avocado and the vinegar caviar. Randomly place the flowers. Serve the hot bean broth in a jug and pour into the center of the plate. 


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