Vegan lentil meatballs

Healthy recipes





Recipe for vegans! Try the lentil meatballs with our Olive Oil, which will give them a very special touch.

Ingredients Preparation Share




Opcionales para ensalada

  • 200 gr of kale
  • 1 fresh avocado
  • 1 handful of nuts
  • 3 tablespoons of hummus
  • 4 tablespoons of Aceite de Oliva Único
  • 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar


  1. First, fry the garlic and onion in a pan with olive oil. When the onion becomes transparent, add the cooked lentils and mix all the ingredients to integrate the flavors.
  2. Chop the fresh parsley and add it.
  3. Then we add little by little the oat flour (or breadcrumbs) and stir. We also add salt, oregano and pepper to the pan.
  4. Remove from the heat and let the mixture stand at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.
  5. After that time, we shape our meatballs with our hands and in a frying pan with hot olive oil we brown them little by little on both sides.
  6. Serve your meatballs with a kale, avocado and walnut salad dressed with Goya Organics Extra Virgin Olive Oil and balsamic vinegar and add a special touch of flavor with two or three tablespoons of hummus!

Products for the recipe

Lenteja pardina extra

Lenteja pardina extra

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Aceite de Oliva Único

Aceite de Oliva Único

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