
Solidarity race in Quercus School

Last 5 March was solidarity race held in Quercus School, located in the Madrileña locality of Boadilla del Monte, and we were to support them in a significant event.

The race was held to raise funds for the cause «Drops to Niger», promoted by Unicef, which aims to provide clean water and sanitation to schools in Niger. This event also served to encourage sport, healthy living and solidarity among many children there were concentrated, as well as their parents and grandparents.
Solidarity race in Quercus School

GOYA wanted to cooperate providing of Coconut water, juices and biscuit Wafers to all attendees so that they could meet, try our products and stay properly hydrated.
Solidarity race in Quercus SchoolTogether with us, collaborated in the city of Boadilla, Fisiodia, Sodexo, Moype Sport, Domino’s Pizza, Boadilla adventure, La Caixa, Adidas, Santillana, Sumasa, Edelvives, Parque Atracciones de Madrid, among other brands.
Solidarity race in Quercus School

We will continue helping in any project or initiative that involves the promotion of solidarity, sport and healthy living, fundamental values for GOYA.

If you want to see the full album, visit our Facebook page.

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